Monthly Archives: January 2012

Arrivalist. Also, Today > Yesterday

I’ve gotta say. I really wasn’t expecting to wake up to this today. And I swear to you, this isn’t like a Meryl Streep moment. I swear to you right now, I will punch something in the goiter if she gets up on that Oscar stage next month all “I’m…

Because I am Awesome At Spontaneity. Also, Getting Dressed.

Surprise sushi really is the best kind of sushi, isn’t it? You are resigned to having a boring old meal at home and then your husband calls and says he will be at the front door in no less than three minutes and everyone needs to be ready to go…

Prove Me Wrong, Buffy. And the Rest of the Internet.

Fine. You win. All of you. YOU. And you too. And you over there. All of you die-hard culty fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer. (The show, of course. Not the Luke Perry movie.) I don’t know what it is about that show. You people are putting it as being…