Monthly Archives: December 2011

Four Things at Four Forty Five

At about 4:45pm today, I realized four very important things. Thing #1: I have bought exactly 1.5 holiday gifts. I can only count the burnt sugar crumbly fudge as half of a gift because I ate through the entire bag before I even walked out of Indigo. Actually, scratch that….

Full-time Fancy. Related: I Am Smiling Hard

Last week I started a brand-new job. And then I disappeared for an entire week. There were emails I ignored. There were TV shows I didn’t watch. There were DMs on Twitter wanting to make sure I was still breathing. There were morning commutes I was still taking. There was…

No Lumps. On Protection and Independence.

My kids never fail to ask me questions. They want to know everything. EVERYTHING. And while this is one of the hardest parts about being a mom, and sometimes I wonder why they can’t be more like some of their non-inquisitive friends—the ones who happily do what they are told, the…