Monthly Archives: June 2011

When Life Hands You Cravings…You Make (The World’s Best) Banana Bread.

At approximately 3:30pm every single day, I turn to my co-worker Alicia and say, “THIS DAY NEEDS MORE BAKED GOODS!” But because I am lazy, or possibly focused on super important things like watching the saddest video of Amy Winehouse or how that 16-year-old person engaged to that creepy guy…

Fingers Crossed for a Case of Mommyitis

“Mama. I’m sick. Come home to me.” And so I did. I raced out of my office at 4:50. I hopped on the train, so worried about my little girl. The only thing I knew was that she was feeling sick. She went on her class field trip to, well,…

PSA: Please Think of the Children. And of ME.

Because my kids can be bullies and because they really don’t care about how probable heat exhaustion makes me feel and because they were pretty much against the idea that going out for brunch on Father’s Day would be grand, somehow we ended up packing a backpack full of bathing…