Monthly Archives: March 2011

Not NOT a Soccer Mom

This is a sponsored post from BlogHer and GATORADE. When I officially became a blogger back in 2004, I toyed with calling my space on the internet “But I’m NOT a Soccer Mom.” because I firmly believed that I would be the very anti-thesis of a soccer mom. But, then,…

I Feel Like That Really Annoying Jennifer Hudson Commercial Right Now.

I’m about to get on my elliptical trainer for the third time this week. Look, I’m not expecting you bring out the round of applause or get up from your computer or desk or couch to give me a standing ovation. But you just have to know that this is…

What I *Would* Have Written About.

You know you have an internet addiction when you plop down on your couch with your giant coffee and your remote (or converter, as some of my friends call it. Converter? Really?) and your laptop and you are all set to write something completely profound (about the price of a…