Monthly Archives: February 2011

And Ricky Gervais is Somewhere. Cackling.

Wow. Well, that was, by far, the most underwhelming Oscars to ever be. Predictable. (YES. It was. And don’t try to tell me that ooooooh, Tom Hooper’s Director win over Fincher’s was a big surprise, because, while yes, I assumed that David Fincher would be bringing home a Best Director…

How To Become a Pageant Mom in Ten Easy Steps.

1. You must have THE CRAZY EYES. 2. You must have “prayed and prayed and prayed that God would give you Miss America.” 3. You must tell everyone that “pageants are a good stepping stool for a future career in modeling.” 4. You must be able to teach your child…

Spins a Web, Any Size.

Can we talk about Isabella’s irrational fear of spiders for a moment? Irrational fears are not new for Isabella. She was once afraid of Humpty Dumpty. And then there was the whole Burning Bush situation. And there was the time that her closet was talking to her. And, you know,…