Monthly Archives: July 2010

Going Fourth. Grade, that is.

HOT and COLD. She is on top of me, smothering me, seeking every inch of my affection; she doesn’t want to share me. She wants to cuddle. She wants me to brush her hair, to tickle her back, to massage her. She wants to talk about boys. She wants to…

Playmate of the Year Takes on a Whole New Meaning.

I was sitting by the edge of the pool, my legs dangling over the side, enjoying a little bit of reprieve without having to, you know, actually get in the water. I see a figure swimming under the water, approaching. I can only assume it’s Emily. And after she has…

Judgement. or Judgment. Depending.

Most of you have already seen THIS BEAUTY thanks to the wonder of twitter and flickr. But I feel like it really warranted its own post. Because I am still giggling about, well, just about everything in this shot. And because really it’s just that good. Behold! I am totally being…