Monthly Archives: June 2010

I guess that one out of two isn’t all that bad. But, my son would tell me that this is only actually 50 percent, which, when you put it THAT way, isn’t really all that good. Feh.

I am admittedly terrible at many things. Laundry is one of them. I have issues. I am the person who doesn’t separate whites and darks because I totally think it’s a myth. Judging by how gray the majority of my white camisoles are, I’m thinking that perhaps there’s some truth…

She is lucky that she knows how to cry on command.

Some things survived MakeupGateTwentyTen. Some things, however, did not. 4 eye shadows. Shroom, Naked Lunch, Woodwinked, Retrospeck. 1 blush. Cubic. 1 bronzer. Golden 2 lipsticks. Plum Dandy. Viva Glam V. 1 lipgloss. Viva Glam V. 1 mascara. Zoom Lash. 1 foundation. Select SPF 15. NW20. And I thought tuition was…

Nautical Nonsense is NOT Something I Wish.

Deal breakers. We all have them. If your woman makes you live in a city without a professional hockey team, that’s a deal breaker. This is the husband’s. If your man makes you go on a cruise, that’s a deal breaker. This is mine. Obviously, this wasn’t my one and…