Monthly Archives: May 2010

It wasn’t enough time to pick up an accent and drawl, unfortunately.

I am running out of days in the deep south. July 3rd is our last day in Atlanta, but between now and then there is a trip to Nashville to see my niece’s ballet recital and a trip to Myrtle Beach and a solo (work) trip to Toronto for me…

Daniel the Boy Barbie

As soon as she said, “You know what would be the most special thing in the world? If I had a handsome boy Barbie for my girl Barbie to play with,” I knew. I knew we’d be spending the morning scouring the aisles at Toys r Us, instead of taking…

Paychecks are overrated anyway, yes?

Sometimes working from home doesn’t exactly work. For me, my best productive work is done when all three kids are at school and I am sitting in my yoga pants and a tank top in the hallway in front of my iMac with a giant cup of coffee beside me….