Monthly Archives: April 2010

….And Scene.

Isabella, upon stubbing her toe: OH SHOOT-A-BAGELS! Josh, upon hearing Isabella’s unintentionally hilarious expression: It’s not shoot a bagels. It’s ROOT-IN-VEGAS! That’s what you are supposed to say. OH ROOT-IN-VEGAS! Emily, upon hearing her siblings: You guys are such turds…it’s RUTABAGAS. OHMIGOD. you guys are so embarrassing. Did you watch…

It’s Contaminated.

I love a good scary movie. Sure, when I watch one that actually does scare me, I spend many a night in the corner in the fetal position being all “all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy” and being unable to look at static on a tv…

A Loser of Things.

My son is many things. He is smart, he is silly, he is stubborn, he is snuggly (even though he is all bones and corners). Mostly, though, my son is a LOSER OF THINGS. We spend a lot of time on quests, searching. I buy stock in yarmulkas, because most…