Monthly Archives: March 2010

Deep Thoughts From Groundhog Day

Okay, so I can take a hint. Apparently, y’all didn’t find my story about my weird driving fears and my inability to drink a milkshake like big girl funny and when I spoke to the husband he was all, “well, everyone’s allowed a snoozer now and then. I mean, even…

I’m an Excellent Driver

I won’t deny it, I am a wee bit of a rubbernecker. Yes, I know I shouldn’t do this, but, you know, I shouldn’t watch the Bachelor either…and you know how well *that* one works out for me. When I see giant backups on the highway, I am ever-so-thankful that…

It *May* Even Have Training Wheels.

So, here’s the thing. Girls with my genetic makeup were not built for running. No. Short Jewish girls of Eastern European descent were not meant to run anywhere other than towards a bakery or a good shoe sale. It’s true. I do not belong on a treadmill or on the…