Monthly Archives: July 2009

Atlanta is…

A road trip conversation: him: “Hey…look at that…if it wasn’t monsooning we could totally go and see the original KFC in Corbin, Kentucky.” me: “Why does it not surprise me that KFC began in Kentucky?” him: “Um, Ali? It’s called KENTUCKY fried chicken.” me: “Well,  I guess it should surprise…

Rebel without a passport.

So, I was all set to write you another post about BlogHer09, one that involved tales of too much barf in the Sheraton and one that involved Miss Metalia‘s brilliant idea (she’s an ideas person, you know…) to cure me of my phobias using a little aversion therapy (otherwise known…

Hey, Did You Know There Was Some Conference in Chicago this Weekend?

BlogHer is such a tease. Seriously. It allows you to come to Chicago for 4 days to do things like: perform the Thriller zombie dance for a crowd of people in a solo flash mob (which, you know, means I HAVE to have this shirt. I may even order this…