Monthly Archives: May 2009

the yin and the yang (I still can’t believe I just wrote that…)

I have mixed feelings about Mother’s Day. On the one hand, if there’s going to be a day to celebrate ME, then I’d like to spend it in bed with some cookie dough and some coffee and maybe a let’s-watch-LOST-from-the-beginning marathon. I wouldn’t shower, or get dressed, or put on…

and for my next act: ali does oversized flannel

Heather (and Mike too!) needs your love today (technically yesterday, but written last night, yo). She needs it every day; but today especially. It’s been one month since Maddie’s passing. Of course, there are many ways to give Heather some love today. emails, tweets, candy. Or you can head on…

I just want to watch LOST and eat key lime yogurt.

My evening ended last night with me begging a buck naked 3-year-old to just go to sleep already so I could just watch LOST. parenting at its finest, I realize, but, hello, we had just left daniel faraday and his moms in an interesting little pickle and ohmigod, he cannot…