Monthly Archives: May 2009

find my fecking filter for me. please.

In two short months the Awfully Big Adventure begins. Two months. TWO MONTHS! Two months until we pack up the wagon queen family truckster giant-ass minivan (I assure you, there’s nothing mini about that puppy) and head out on our two-day journey down to Atlanta for our year-long journey. I’m…

do I even want to know?

apparently, my children believe in the tooth fairy. the tooth fairy that they have decided is named Gwyneth. WHAT?

I steal things from hot women. part deux.

I’m going to ignore the fact that before walking into my building this morning, a large gust of wind blew my skirt OVER MY HEAD for many an unsuspecting co-worker to see. smooth. I’m going to ignore the fact that my carpool schedule changed on me and has totally screwed…