Monthly Archives: November 2008

gobble. gobble.

am American girl in Canada on Thanksgiving. that’s who i am today. that’s who i am every year. (and while yes, i DID have a Thanksgiving in October, it’s not the same. it’s on MONDAY. there’s no all-day football. there’s no silliness at the airport. there’s no Black Friday, which…

broken limbs and apple-themed decor

on sunday afternoon, while knee-deep in two of my favorite activities…watching football and purging my house (yes, the husband and i are in the middle of this clean-out-the-shit project at casa de martell. i am a packrat who wants to be a minimalist. i just have so much STUFF. this…

too close to the falls…

sometimes we get these crazy ideas and i’m all, “awesome! a weekend with the kids in Niagara Falls sounds like a PERFECT idea! they can see the falls for the first time and we can go out to dinner and take them swimming and take them to see Madagascar 2…