Monthly Archives: October 2008

a conversation between me and my spouse

him: what’s wrong with you tonight? me: i hate thursdays. they are such a total pain in the ass. and it doesn’t help that i’m trying to watch McSteamy…mmm…McSteamy while you are watching South Park on your laptop right next to me and are laughing like a hyena every 30…

i’m crazy spoon hand man…now give me some candy**

i’m trying to stay focused today and not think about the candy. because i took a vow. to NOT eat any candy from October 3rd until a week after Halloween. but, sadly, i can think of nothing else. oh, mini twix. (because really, anything mini, is AWESOME) oh, Reese Cups….

out of the mouths of the fruit of my loins.

fruit #1 me: swee’pea, what do you want for dinner? Isabella: i want…i want to eat…pagina!!! yes! me: um, excuse me? Isabella: Pagina! i love Pagina! me: WHAT? Isabella: you know, that fing. the one with the noodles. and the cottage cheese. and the sauce. you know, pagina! me:…