i’m trying to stay focused today and not think about the candy. because i took a vow. to NOT eat any candy from October 3rd until a week after Halloween.
but, sadly, i can think of nothing else.
oh, mini twix. (because really, anything mini, is AWESOME)
oh, Reese Cups.
oh, M&Ms.
oh, snickers.
oh, mars bars.
oh, candy corn. mmm..candy corn.
i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong.
let’s focus on the costumes, shall we?
(Abby Cadabby)
(Iron Man)
(Sharpay. from high school musical. from the “bop to the top” scene. Sharpay – and not Gabriella – is Emily’s favorite character. of course. because Emily is a little bit of a bitch. hahah)
which, i can assure you, is a step up from last year. when i didn’t even get them costumes. i know, MOTHER OF THE YEAR.
…this is what they wore for Halloween 2006:
and this is what they worse for Halloween 2007:
AWESOME. (and yes, they DID collect their candy in [insert company name here] bags because i’m all about the class, people!)
so, this year i decided it was high time i actually, you know, went out and bought them something…especially since i’m not clever, like him. or talented, like her.
i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong.
are you dressing up? last year i went Ali circa 2006. it was brilliant. everyone was all “oh, Ali, your outfit is SOOOO last year.” the only better costume i had was that time i went as a Ventian Blind – – – i wore a shirt that said “Venice”, wore sunglasses and carried a cane.
nothing? *crickets* nothing?
i was thinking maybe of this…which may just be this year’s very BEST Halloween costume:
oh, Cindy Crawford, i LOVE you. wanna make out?
i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong i will be strong.
**bonus points if you know the reference. no? okay…how about now? “Hey, look at me! I only got one arm, and I’m crazy! Now give me some candy, or I’ll grab you with my crazy one-arm!” no? i’m the only one who remembers this? please tell me i’m not…and it’s not just the lack of candy that’s gone straight to my head?