Monthly Archives: April 2008

the mouths of babes…and some hot blogger action

Yesterday, as i buckled Josh into his carseat (yes, he’s five and yes, i still buckle him. if i had to wait for him to do it, we’d still be sitting there) i noticed he had himself a stack of dimes, probably about 30 of them, in his lap. Me:…

blissfully happy

just had my first cup of coffee today. it’s 6:23 pm. it was liquid heaven. it was also another “please play again” damn you, Tim Horton’s! i am now dancing around my room and singing to “Blister in the Sun” all Angela Chase style, only with less flaming red hair…

Murphy’s Law

let’s just say your husband is in Las Vegas on “business” and let’s just say you are spending your solo sunday shuttling your children to and from FOUR parties. and let’s just say that your child who refuses to nap under any circumstances went and did this… 8 minutes before…