just had my first cup of coffee today. it’s 6:23 pm. it was liquid heaven. it was also another “please play again” damn you, Tim Horton’s!
i am now dancing around my room and singing to “Blister in the Sun” all Angela Chase style, only with less flaming red hair and gigantic shirts. maybe. because that’s what we do. Angela does it when Jordan Catalano has been surgically removed from her brain. and i do it when i’m happy. blissfully happy. and right now? i’m happy.
my site is back up!
you see, it was down for two days. TWO days! the withdrawal…it wasn’t just normal withdrawal either. it was Ewan McGregor in trainspotting kind of withdrawal. only with less ceiling-crawling babies and dirty toilets.
hosting issues, apparently. because i’m SO pop.u.lar. but…i’m back up and running. AND as a bonus, i got me upgraded to WP 2.5. FANCY. now, i just have to figure it out…
so..anyway, where was i?? oh, yes…celebrating. after two days of anger and frustration. two days filled with music and calories. because there may be spontaneous happy dancing during happyAli times….
but during unhappyAli times…there’s music. there’s the beautiful women music. think A Fine Frenzy (my all-time favorite sad music). Feist. Emily Haines.
 (this is me. tongue-kissing Alison Sudol)
there’s the angry music. The Mars Volta. and the old school music. Nirvana Unplugged in New York. the beautiful music. Damien Rice. the best music. Sunna. the quirky music. Hot Chip.
and then there are the calories. last night for dinner i made these
 (this is me. tongue-kissing Betty Crocker)
i ate about half of it in batter form.
(like you never…)
and ate THREE giant brownies. for dinner.
if i had a therapist, she would call me an emotional eater. but who needs a therapist when Oprah call tell me that for free??
what about you? how do you deal when you are an emotional mess? i feel like everyone’s different. the husband, for example, cleans. i know he’s mad at me when i walk downstairs and he’s putting away the clean dishes from the dishwasher. or folding laundry. my bestie Tova, for example, sleeps. i know when she’s unhappy because she’s napping in the middle of the day when i call. and then how do you deal when you are blissfully happy?