Monthly Archives: August 2007

a guest post. a new host. and an inflatable.

i’m off to Atlanta today. i’m more excited than you can imagine to sit on an airplane without my kids. anyway, today i’m guest posting over at my girl-crush, vodkarella, formerly troll-baby. stop over there and show me some love. if you do, i’ll leave you with a little treat……

13 of my favorite tv series finales

i’m a bit of a wreck this morning…i’m trying to figure out where to send Isabella to school next year and am really coming up with nothing, i’m trying to figure out what i was thinking wanting to have a family party for Isabella at our house with 30+ people…

Boots is Two!!

Isabella is 2 today. 2 years ago at this time i was dragging my big, fat, swollen arse over to North York General. It was my third attempt at going into labor on my own, and this time it finally took. Isabella was born after the routine-est of labors. a…