Isabella is 2 today. 2 years ago at this time i was dragging my big, fat, swollen arse over to North York General. It was my third attempt at going into labor on my own, and this time it finally took. Isabella was born after the routine-est of labors. a perfect clone of her big sister and brother, she was the icing on the cake. the perfect addition and completion of our little family.
Bella Boots (or just Boots, as we like to call her) was a little cutie with a big, giant bald head. just like her mama:
She truly was an angel from the beginning. a good sleeper, a good eater, a good pooper. what more could you ask for? She developed her own personality – much more of a bruiser and less of a diva than her older sister. she knew what she liked from day one – DoraBoots and Diego are her absolute favorites, but she’ll give a shout-out to the ‘yardigans andรโรย wundapets too.
she’s definitely the most easy-going of our kids…but she perfected that tantrum VERY early on:
she’s certainly hit the terrible two’s – with a vengeance. left on her own for more than 30 seconds, and something of value gets destroyed. the computer. the dvd player. our blanket (which is now covered in a lovely sharpie mosaic).
but she’s also one of the sweetest kids i know. she wakes up in the morning singing twinkle twinkle or the ABC’s and talks to us through the monitor “mommy-o, are you dere? daddy-o? whatyadoing? momanddad, come and get me. i’m a princess! I wanna watch diego!”
could melt your heart.
i love her to death. even if this is her outfit of choice these days. (i’m not kidding. she sleeps in the skirt. every night. “i. am. a. princess.”)