Monthly Archives: June 2007

here in the holy land**

i’ve been here for a few hours. we’ve gotten Emily’s hair cut (so cute!). we’ve had lunch at the cheesecake factory (holy eggplant sandwich. mmm…). I’ve opened up my $25 ipod shuffle (ebay…love!) and my 25 boxes of Girl Scout cookies (no, i’m not kidding. and yes, i am insane). and…

13 of my pop-culture blind spots

Entertainment Weekly did it. and then one of my girl-crushes (see, sam? i told you i have MANY) Snarkwife did it. a list of popular books, movies, music that i – a self-proclaimed pop-culture junkie – seem to have missed. or missed out on. you decide. 1. i have never read…

#3 answered, a nanny update, and a giggly girls night

way back last week, before my nanny quit and life got flipped turned upside-down, i told you some things that may or may not be true. and i still owe you some answers. 3. i cannot sleep in socks. or with a blanket. or even with a pillow. and i…