Monthly Archives: August 2006

Thirteen Things That Are Overrated

i’m a thursday thirteen virgin. so i’m not really sure what i’m doing… Thirteen Things that are overrated 1. The Black-Eyed Peas 2. Lord of the Rings movies 3. Michal Negrin jewelery. 4. Crocs – only for the operating room and for fishermen. also acceptable for working in the garden…

in which she needs an “I don’t do mornings” t-shirt

mornings at the martells have just gone crazy. like, Tom Cruise jumping on the couch crazy. my nanny starts at 8, and i leave the house at 8:30. so, the shower, the clothing choice, the dressing, the blow-dry, the make-up application, and the lunch preparation (usually, it’s just grabbing a…

Howdy Partners!!

(my daughter can certainly pull off a hat better than Britney…don’t you think?) okay, looking at this rootin-tootin’ photo, i have a question for you all, and for baby gap. why on earth would you make a sleeper with a collar?? do these people think that i have the time…