Monthly Archives: July 2006

guess what we’ve got!!!!

and…a bonus video. because she’s just so freakin’ cute 😉

unfit mother, once again…

Behold! it’s Isabella’s favorite toy: actually, truth be told, it’s her ONLY toy. well, that’s a lie, actually. aaron and adrienne were kind enough to lend me this: so, my almost-one-year old will have something to play with…you know…other than remotes and wipes containers. the truth is that she’s outgrown…

all the cool kids are doing it…

Beth did it. Amy did it. so, it seems i’ve jumped on the belly bandwagon. i took the picture a couple days ago. and have been avoiding putting it up. it’s all thanks to this website, The Shape of a Mother. seriously y’all? it’s amazing. these women are so brave…