Monthly Archives: June 2006

gift giving

I just got finished telling Rebecca that for end-of-the-year teachers’ gifts, i’m a big fan of the gift card. Before winter vacation i give Starbucks. End of the year, it’s Homesense. that’s my “usual.” you really can’t go wrong with the gift card. you don’t have to spend a fortune…


15% chance my baby has whooping cough. great. ETA: yes, she’s been immunized. i’m not one of THOSE mothers (not that there’s anything wrong with that….). it seems that babies can still get it. ETA: the good news: WOOOOOHOOOOO. we are 100% WHOOPING COUGH free! yay! i’m jumping for joy….


what do y’all think? hideous? nice? i’m going with definite improvement. makes her look less trashy. now maybe if she can stay away from walking barefoot in bathrooms and eating cheetoes while wearing black bras under white shirts…we could be looking at a new and improved Brit Brit.