Monthly Archives: May 2006

The Three _____s on a Desert Island Meme

i’ve been tagged. thanks, Stephanie. 🙂 If you were stranded on a desert island (without Ginger and the Professor and all those folks to keep you amused), which three _____s would you bring? Books: Franny and Zooey To Kill a Mockingbird Lord of the Flies Albums: Rolling Stones – 40…

mmm…Chris Daughtry…wait, what? he didn’t win? what the fuck is wrong with America??

~~Wow, i’d have to say the most satisfying portion of last night’s finale, well, the second…because naturally, the first was the big ole’ Ace and Chris hug, which i paused and rewound, much to my husband’s dismay…mmmmm….Ace and Chris…. ah, yes, where was i…oh, yes, David Hasslehoff crying like a…

I cheated on my colorist.

and i’m feeling guilty as hell. i’m not even 100% sure why i did it. i really like Jodi. she’s always been a great colorist. i’ve never had any complaints. good salon. i get a good cut there too. they tend to be very pushy pushy with their products but…