Monthly Archives: March 2006

Friday’s Feast

Feast Eighty-Seven Appetizer Name 3 things that you think are strange. 1) people who think that stoplights are the perfect location for nose-picking. 2) kimmel in rye bread. why, people, why? 3) people who wear socks and sandals Soup What was the last ceremony you attended? the husband’s first cousin…


False Advertising AKA Survivor ~~um, yeah, that was the worst “a survivor might have to leave the game” advertising ever! oh, boo hoo….Bruce gets a knife in his lip… ~~I think if Terry was going to give away the immunity idol, he should have done it this week, gotten Shane…


i lost an important photo at work, and the hi-res photos of salmon don’t seem to be hi-res enough for the design team…picky, picky…so i have to do some serious damage control. under that’s fixed…enjoy this real cute picture of the girl and her best friend…and some random cinderella. too…