Monthly Archives: January 2005

Steven Tyler, Gramps.

Anyone else find it mildly disturbing that Steven Tyler looks more like Grammy than Gramps? Is that a purse he’s carrying? and the fur-lined jacket? And is he wearing make-up?

Gossip round-up

~~ um…on the yum scale of 1-10, this is oh, about 26 territory… “I’ve had pole-dancing lessons. It’s all the craze in London. It’s a great form of exercise and really good for the upper thighs.” –Reputed strippercize enthusiast Jude Law in Globe ~~ oh, so that’s what you are…

Monday Morning Smile… take 2

Yesterday i went for frozen yogurt with Sharon and her two kids, Maya and Kyra. Joshie was saying something that i could NOT figure out for the life of me. Maya turns to me and says, “Wait, let me ask Kyra. She also speaks Baby.” Sharon and i were dying….