Monthly Archives: October 2004

I Heart Scrubs

Another hysterical episode last night. thank goodness for tivo. I got to watch last night when i got home at midnight. my most favorite part of the episode. Molly tells JD that he’s too normal and she’s attracted to damaged, dysfunctional people. Jd: (Voice Over: Sometimes all it takes is…

Ashlee Ashlee…

I see your acid reflux is hitting your brain too. What is this outfit? Last night you were supposed to be proving your worth, but instead, all you proved was your terrible fashion sense. her. career. is. over.

Oh My…It’s a Happy Happy Day

Yes, that is me, breathing a sigh of relief. So, the good news on the lumina/car accident front. My father is law’s deductible is $500 – not the $1,000 that we originally thought. But, here’s the kicker: because he had such a good driving record, they gave him a “freebie”…