Monthly Archives: August 2004

And the good samaritan award goes to…

yours truly. yesterday when I got home from work, I saw this guy trying to get his stalled car started. I asked him if he needed any help and he asked if he could use my phone. Then I offered him some gas that we had in the garage. Of…

Marky Mark and his Funky Bunch

So…I said I wasn’t going to watch, but i did anyway…as usual. hubby was out playing baseball and I was home alone with nothing to do – a rare occurance around here. So, i watched HBO’s new show, Entourage. I thoroughly enjoyed it, even though it seems the critics are…

Do I like men who look like women??

my top 5 today (i say today because the bottom 3 tend to change depending on my mood- #1 and #2 are solid): Jude Law Jared Leto Cameron Mathison Brad Pitt Ewan McGreggor and an honorable mention goes to chad michael murray because he’s hot 🙂