my trip didn’t go exactly as planned…
my sister’s plane got delayed in phoenix and she had to sleep in airports and be rerouted several times before she finally made it into NYC, leaving me only a mere 24 hours with her. boo.
she made me feed her cats their ‘wet’ food and one of them was feeling extra gluttonous and vomited his food all over the couch. and then ate some more. and then vomited again. and let me tell you…his feast wasn’t as fancy on the way out…
 (gourmet my ASS)
i didn’t get to sample any new york desserts. (well, i did take a bite of the red velvet cake at Bubby’s…but it was after a full meal at Nobu…so i didn’t even want it- i know, right? me? not eating dessert?)
i didn’t see anyone famous (of course, unless you count Metalia..but more about that when my pictures are actually uploaded… or unless you count that fact that my sister was convinced that some random asian woman was Vera Wang. note: NOT Vera Wang) even though i ate brunch at Balthazar, a mere few blocks from Mary Kate’s apartment.
i pretty much thought i was going to get raped or killed in the town car that i randomly took from LaGuardia. it was freezing rain and this man said he could take me and the 4 people behind me. for cheap. and quickly. (all new yorkers are laughing at me right now…)
i didn’t do enough shopping…
my bangs were acting up. like, for serious….
it was the BEST trip. it really was!! ÂÂ
My sister and i may look nothing alike, but we are, essentially, the SAME person. even down to our toothbrush choice. it saddens me that we don’t get enough time together.
(see? bangs?! WTF?)
It was great to see my parents in a different city. when we are in Atlanta, there are always other obligations – work, appointments, personal training sessions – that they have to attend to. in NYC they were mine.
also…there’s nothing better than when my stepmom pulls out her expandable fork and steals food off other tables…
i got some GREAT stuff from Anthropologie. love. love. love.
and, of course, i got to meet Metalia…who is ridiculously cute in person and i pretty much hate the fact that she doesn’t live in Toronto. because she and i? like peas and carrots. i really just wanted to stuff her in my pocket and take her home with me…but she’s from New York, she probably would have dropped kicked me halfway across the city. (pictures to come. of us hugging. not of her drop kicking me)
i can get around the city. by myself. sure, Metalia thought i was a total dumbass…but i took the 2 3 subway to Chambers and transfered to the 1 and went to Christopher street. like a champ. (i DID get farted on by a strange man…but i guess it could have been worse. i could have gotten peed on)
in short…