July 29 11


I have heard many writers say that when they blog, they are actually only sharing about 5% of their lives with their readers. Now, I would bet that for some people, including me, that percentage is a wee bit higher, closer to, say, 15%. You know my name and what I look like and where I live and where I work and I am fairly easily googleable. For good or bad, there are less than a handful of Ali Martells out there.

There are things that I share with you online. You get a mostly accurate portrait of what my life is like. You get the funny stories and the sometimes-not-as-funny stories. You get the trips down memory lane and the trips on the Toronto subway. You get, essentially, the baby books I never got around to actually filling out for my kids. You get my rage when I discuss the difference between Special K in Canada and Special K in the states.

There are things that I don’t share with you online. And there are different reasons. There are things that are mine, just mine, that I share with no one. There are things that are unwritten; I don’t talk much about religion and our family finances and our sex life. Sure, you get glimpses into these facets of my every day. It would be impossible to write freely without at least touching on some of those unwritten rules; sometimes invisible lines are meant to be crossed. There are things that have been requested “PLEASE DON’T EVER MENTION ME ON YOUR BLAWG” and for the most part, I am conscious of this fact and try to not write the stories of those who don’t want to be involved. Occasionally, I slip, when the story is particularly absurd and ridiculous and funny and I feel that it needs to be shared. Some of you may recall a certain toilet-paper post (it remains a favorite among many of my friends, both online and in real life) that was taken down after a series of unfortunate events and phone calls that involved people telling me that it needed to come down. And down it came, as I truly am not big into feather-ruffling. There are things I don’t tell you because they are not my stories to tell.

Some days I sit in front of my computer and inhale and exhale deeply and have to force myself to sit on my fingers and NOT write about some things. There are things I so desperately want to share with the world, there are things I so desperately need people to read, and there are things I need to get out there, if nothing more than as a wee cry for help when I am lost in a sea of “well what’s wrong with me that this is happening“s. And trust me, there are moments like this. They don’t happen often, but they happen.

I am so fortunate to have a really supportive husband and sister and network of friends, both in my real life and online. And they are fortunate because they get to hear all the stories. They get to laugh at the crazy and commiserate at the even more crazy. And they have done a good job convincing me of one thing.

There will be a book written.

And it will be 95%.

And it will be a bestseller, because, you guys, you couldn’t possibly make this shit up.

  1. So. Awesome.

    Comment by OHmommy on July 29, 2011
  2. Can’t wait!! πŸ™‚

    Comment by pgoodness on July 29, 2011
  3. When?! πŸ™‚

    Comment by Tammi Marie on July 29, 2011
  4. Ha! When I can get it out of my head and onto the paper. There is MUCH to tell.

    Comment by ali on July 29, 2011
  5. Good luck and looking forward to it!

    Comment by Tammi Marie on July 29, 2011
  6. Oh, I will read the shit out of that book! πŸ™‚

    Comment by Kristabella on July 29, 2011
  7. Woo hoo!

    Comment by Wendy on July 29, 2011
  8. That is so exciting! Congratulations Ali!!!


    Comment by heidikins on July 29, 2011
  9. There is no book deal. ha. Congratulations aren’t exactly in order. This post was more about my demons and shit in my life that I need to get down on paper.

    I’ll let you know when actual congrats are in order. hee.

    Comment by alimartell on July 29, 2011
  10. I think the decision to write it down, regardless of whether it is purchased, is still something to celebrate. It’s a big deal and I think you should have a cupcake. πŸ™‚


    Comment by heidikins on July 29, 2011
  11. I love this post so much I want to marry it.

    It so exactly expresses how I, and likely MANY OTHERS, feel.

    Good on ya, love. xo

    Comment by Loralee on July 29, 2011
  12. I would pay $100 for that book. And I’m a cheapskate, so that’s saying something.

    Comment by Camels & Chocolate on July 29, 2011
  13. I can’t wait for that day!

    Comment by Sensibly Sassy on July 29, 2011
  14. I, too, struggle with accidentally slipping and saying things I wasn’t supposed to say. I guess that makes us human.

    And your book. HOLY CRAP will be a bestseller. I know this for sure.

    Comment by Angie [A Whole Lot of Nothing] on July 30, 2011
  15. I read this and felt everything stop for just a moment.

    Oh, I know that feeling. The sifting, the weighing that occurs before finally…words hit paper or screen. But, oh, the stories, the emotions, the dreams that are sifted out…they need to be told as well. There is much there to inspire, compel and hold others, what a shame.

    I know I, too, have words to share, somewhere else.

    And yes, I would buy your book. ; )

    Comment by Jen on August 1, 2011
  16. And I will buy it! Cannot wait.

    btw – as soon as you started talking about what you cannot write, I immediately thought of the toilet paper incident. That’s one nice thing about Google reader, it’s in there….
    Hugs hon!

    Comment by monstergirlee on August 1, 2011
  17. seriously…the stuff that happens to you…

    Comment by heather... on August 1, 2011
  18. I completely relate to this, Ali. If I could write about everything that weighs me down I’d be three tons lighter.
    I hope we get to read the 95% some day soon.

    Comment by Amber on August 2, 2011
  19. Oh yes… there is a lot that I could share but of course i wouldn’t, it’s not my place. There is a lot I could share about myself but like you, I’m saving those juicy tidbits for a book πŸ™‚

    Comment by Maria @amotherworld on March 5, 2012
  20. […] would be impossible to tell MY story without telling their story, at least bits and pieces of itβ€”the 15% I’m willing to share. I tell their story as it is through MY eyes. I write about how I see them, what makes them […]

    Pingback by Why I Write About My Children - Cheaper Than Therapy | Cheaper Than Therapy on January 29, 2013
  21. […] Well 15% of it at least. […]

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