there were sooo many good tv moments this year. it was hard to pick just thirteen. what were your favorites?
1. Kirstie Alley sports a bikini on Oprah
2. Turk does ‘Poison’
3. Chris Daughtry is eliminated on American Idol. ETA. i was sooooo upset when he got voted off. it was just a crazy moment on tv. the reactions on stage were priceless. i’m a huge huge huge Daughtry fan!!
4. Vincent Chase fires Ari Gold.
5. Clay Aiken covers Kelly Ripas mouth. Rosie O’Donnell gets angry and outs Clay.
6. Uncle Junior shoots Tony Soprano.
7. Jim and Pam kiss. Squee!
8. Marissa Cooper dies on the OC. A nation celebrates.
9. Josh and Donna kiss on the West Wing. finally. we waited 7 freakin’ years for that!
10. Oprah kicks James Frey in the proverbial nuts.
11. Meredith and McDreamy get back together.
12. Justin Timberlake gives his dick in a box.
13. Hiro Nakamura tells Peter Petrelli to “save the cheerleader, save the world!”