a while back i did 13 of my favorite tv couples, so today i bring you its sequel, 13 of the best movie couples. this was much harder, since the pool of choices was much bigger. so here are thirteen, but i assure you, there are many, many more.
1. William and Viola – Shakespeare in Love
2. Jesse and Celine – Before Sunrise/Sunset
3. Westley and Buttercup – The Princess Bride
4. Noah and Allie – The Notebook
5. Largeman and Sam – Garden State
6. Lloyd and Diane – Say Anything
7. Johnny and Baby – Dirty Dancing
8. Keith and Watts – Some Kind of Wonderful
9. Alvy and Annie – Annie Hall
10. Harry and Sally – When Harry Met Sally
11. Christian and Satine – Moulin Rouge
12. Paul and Holly – Breakfast at Tiffany’s
13. Rhett and Scarlett – Gone With the Wind
links to other thursday thirteens: