May 31 07

what i tell people is that i’m a wee bit of a hypochondriac.

what i am, actually, is fucking bat-shit crazy.

stomach ache? ulcer.

arm hurts? heart attack.

headache? brain tumor.

lower abdominal pain? ectopic pregnancy.

rash? lupus.

stiff neck? meningitis

fingers hurting? arthritis.

so, as soon as i started having problems with my eyes again…i immediately thought the worst. eye cancer. i’m dying. well…the good news is that i’m not dying. surprise, surprise. but my eyes are. a slow death. no, it’s true.

i have this condition called keratoconus. it’s degenerative. and it may end in a corneal transplant. when i was first diagnosed, i was in denial for a long time. hard lenses? eye disease? what the fuck ever. i’m fine. and then i started having problems. blurred vision. light sensitivity. dry eyes. and then i thought the worst. i’m dying.

well…the truth lies somewhere in between.

i heart my eye doctor so much. he hooked me up with a HAWT new pair of frames. vera wang (i love her purfume and her wedding dresses, so why wouldn’t i love her glasses too) and this awesome eye drop that will help with both the dry eyes and light sensitivity and 6 more months of soft lenses. he said we won’t even discuss hard lenses for at least 6 months. awesome.

so, as i was driving in to work this morning, late, i was driving behind the all-too-familiar suv. silver? check baby on board stick-on? check. and what do you know…random-of-randoms it was miss haley-o and the monkey-o. seriously! just driving down Yonge Street at 9:30 on a thursday morning. CRAZY. i guess i should go in to work late more often…

  1. I can’t see 3 feet in front of me without my glasses or contacts. Seriously. My screen would be blurry.

    Would laser eye surgery help you at all?

    the funny thing is that my vision is pretty great. it’s like -1.75 and -2.25. nothing. it’s just the other stuff that’s bad. and i’m not a candidate for lasik. sucks. ~Ali

    Comment by sam on May 31, 2007
  2. I know computer work agravates this too..
    Hope things improve for you.
    Cool to see cheaty … small world.. well, small city…NOT!

    Comment by Sarah on May 31, 2007
  3. YO! i have kerataconus too! in one eye! i’ve had ONE hard lense for like 17 years (god i’m old).. i hate that we can’t have eye surgery. or at least i can’t… it’s because the tissue is SO thin, it could tear. wah

    Comment by jennster on May 31, 2007
  4. I’m SO glad I saw you today — driving? how weird is that! If I hadn’t, I would have driven all the way to work with you, and then I would have had to go in and then our whole day would be shot, and we had a lot to do! Thanks for turning me around — SO MUCH!

    At least you have an awesome eye doc. I mean, thank goodness! Vera Wang? SWEET hook up! I have to see them! I’m glad this condition is manageable and that you’re keeping your sense of humour about it. So glad!

    Comment by Haley-O on May 31, 2007
  5. That’s horrible about your eye condition! I know that when I was so sick two Marches ago, I was severely upset because this was something that I HAD NEVER WORRIED ABOUT. That makes so much sense, doesn’t it?

    Comment by Rebecca on May 31, 2007
  6. There are new treatment options for keratoconus. Intacs, or collagen crosslinking. If you do a google search on either of these, you will be able to find doctors who can offer more than transplants.

    My son has KC and I recently took him to have both the treatments I described above.

    Comment by Jo on May 31, 2007
  7. Chicks in glass are uber hot!

    i too share your craziness, though I always think cancer for everything

    Comment by Sparky Duck on May 31, 2007
  8. The people above me are way smarter than I am, sp I say this: Any degenerative disease sucks money balls, so I feel bad for you. But am glad you got a good doc, and hope he takes care of you.

    But, if it ever gets bad, you can get an awesome cane like House and chase small children off your front lawn.

    Comment by AndreAnna on June 1, 2007
  9. Oh, that really sucks about your vision, but I am glad you got cool glasses at the very least.

    I too am ridiculously hyberbolic when it comes to illnesses. No joke, I almost drove myself to the ER because I thought I was having a stroke the other day because my vision went all funny for a bit. Then it got better.

    Comment by DaniGirl on June 1, 2007
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