We moved into our house so long ago I can barely do the math. Actually, that’s kind of a lie. It really hasn’t been that long, and the poor math skills probably have more to do with the fact that I’m only a quarter of the way through my morning coffee and I have spent way too many precious minutes trying to build a booby trap for when my dog wants to get into my bathroom garbage can. Two years, I believe. Three? Two? Regardless of when it was, turning it into a grown-up house has been a sloooooow process. But! We do actually possess dining room furniture now, so we are thinking that’s a step in the responsible adult direction. Emily’s room, though, has been neglected. Lest you think that’s she is special, all the bedrooms have been neglected too.
It was an extra-special shade of pink. And if you have ever met my daughter, she’s the anti-pink. She likes green and black and blue and red and grey.
“I want black walls, I think.”
Think again, sweets.Â
So, a project has begun.
A project that has started to look a little bit like this.
Please note that I possess not a single ounce of design skill whatsoever, so I am sort of flying by the seat of my pants here—and spending copious amount of time on Etsy and Pinterest.
Yes. Please.
I am so excited to surprise my girl when she gets home from camp. SHE HAS NO IDEA.
But, well, there’s another little girl in our house who knows exactly what’s going on.
And she is not happy about it.
“I did what Mrs. Pollock said to do when you really, really want something. You present your argument in a letter.”
But not spelling. Obviously she learned none of that.
Translation, for those of you who don’t speak 6-year-old.
I love you both.
I want to make my room a big girl room and I need your help.Â
Please please please can you help me.
Love you.
And then after I stopped weeping, I realized that instead of fixing up one child’s room this summer, we will be doing two.
Because how on earth can you say no to something like this?
The answer is: YOU CANNOT.
I am basically the Oprah Winfrey of big girl rooms.