Since I started working for a waste management company, our entire family has become more much aware of the environment. I spend a lot of time tweeting stories about recycling, and now I have become a pretty kick-ass (and kind of annoying) recycler and composter. I post stories daily to our company Facebook page about upcycling, and now I am fully onboard with the great sanding and re-staining our dining room furniture project of 2015. Oh yes, instead of tossing our dated and stained in various spots with various types of nail polish remover dining room furniture, we are going to sand it, and do all of the things you need to do to it (I’m such a great DIYer, really) and turn it into something new and something I will love in my new home. I even find upcycling when I’m doing things like trying on clothing.
Thank you, Franklin, Tennesee Anthropologie for being both my favorite place to shop and a place I can work too.
Also, I totally lent out my DVDs of The Wire so that counts too, yes?
I love that my job is teaching me new things, teaching me how to be kinder and gentler to this amazing planet that we live on.
Since I was diagnosed with multiple life-threatening food allergies, I have learned so much about where my food comes from and I have become careful about what I put into my body. In Ireland I spent time on a farm and in a cookery school and learned to make foods from all whole ingredients that even my 10-year-old can pronounce and with all the colors of the rainbow (Oh yes, I have even embraced the beet). Oh, Irish brown bread, how I love you and your good-for-me-and-my-family ingredients...
We planted our very first garden and spent a season growing our own vegetables — we had so much salad because we couldn’t stop the lettuces from growing. We are really good at growing lettuce.
Because of this, and because by nature, I’m a big fan of the win-win, I was excited to help Metro promote The Green Apple Food Program.
Do you collect AIR MILES? Do you regularly go food shopping? Do you like to support good causes? Actually, I guess that would make this is more of a win-win-win. This month, AIR MILES collectors who shop at Metro stores across Canada will, like I am, be supporting the Green Apple School Program. This initiative will go a long way towards supporting causes that make a difference in the lives of Canadian children by promoting healthy eating habits that will stay with them for life.
The Green Apple School Program was developed specifically to encourage environmentally-conscious and action-oriented elementary and secondary schools to actively participate in environmental stewardship. Grants offered by the Green Apple School Program are driven by conservation and healthy living proposals submitted by students and teachers. Applicants are asked to describe the proposed project and provide Metro with detailed examples on how the venture will contribute to healthier living in their school and community.
Initiatives include community clean-ups, tree plantings, energy conservation, eco-friendly purchasing, and waste reduction.
But don’t take my word for it, take the words of these two teachers who, along with their schools, experienced this amazing program first-hand.
Jennifer Skilton, teacher at Mary Shadd P.S. in Scarborough tells me, “The Green Apple School Program has made a significant difference in the lives of the young women at Mary Shadd PS by providing funding to our “Home Made = Healthy Made” initiative. The girls learned about buying locally sourced food and the benefits and fun of creating their own healthy homemade recipes. Thank you so much supporting this initiative, our success would not have been possible without your support!”
Kathy McKeon, teacher at St. Leo Catholic School in Toronto goes on to say, “The Green Apple School Program that Metro has provided for the schools offers great awareness and provides benefits to all children. As educators, are very fortunate to have this program available to help support our students.”
So go on, get shopping at Metro. Support this good cause, will you? It’s really win-win-win.
Also, my idea would totally be a community garden.
What would yours be.
{This post is sponsored by Metro. All opinions, of course, are my own.}