so, Snowmaggedon was supposed to start last night. we were supposed to get 50 cm of snow. They were showing clips of people getting bumped on Air Canada, being begged to take earlier flights, so that they’d make it to their destinations by christmas. There were advisories. There are live blogs. and storm watches. stay off the roads! don’t leave your house! it’s the end of the world!
and this morning i woke up to…well, nothing.
clear skies. clear roads.
which meant, no snow day. which meant i had to face the traffic and come into work for Baconfest 2008. every year, my office has a pre-christmas company breakfast for everyone (this is in addition to the company Christmas party – which, ps, has a cash bar, the company Children’s christmas party – taking the kids to see Bolt, the division Christmas party, and the department christmas party…in short… [insert company name here] likes Christmas!) at which i eat nothing but drink the free shitty coffee.
because last year? everyone got food poisoning. EVERYONE.
since i thought today was going to be one of those sit-by-the-fire-and-drink- hot-chocolae-and-don’t-leave-the-house days, i let the kids stay up late last night to make homemade gingerbread men and women.
only it didn’t work as well as i’d hoped. i didn’t wait long enough for the cookies to cool before removing from the pan…so we ended up with decapitated thalidomide children-looking ginger-people.
(this is why we didn’t take pictures)
i tried to haul all the icing to glue the pieces back together…which only made them look worse. the stuff of nightmares, i tell you.
i wonder if Chad could have made a photoshoot out of my casualties. 😉 i mean, they aren’t grilled cheese or anything…but still…
okay…it’s SNOWING now.
so, i can end with another funny Isabella story. this morning she was kicking Emily, as per usual. she’s a kicker, that Bella. so the husband turns to her and says,
“little girls don’t kick! animals kick! what are you? an animal?”
(which, ps, he uses, like a total dad, all the time. just replace kick with SPIT and HIT and ROLL ON THE FLOOR IN A TANTRUM and PICK YOUR NOSE and EAT CREAM CHEESE OFF A SPOON and PUT THEIR BOOTS ON THE WRONG FEET and WIPE PEANUT BUTTER IN THEIR BROTHER’S HAIR)
so, she turns to him and says
haha. Isabella – 1; Daddy – 0
my god, she’s AWESOME.