April 8 15

I just finished reading an article about Passover vacations, where for {a starting price of} $11,000 a person, you can almost forget that Passover week is kind of a pain-in-the-tushy, children-are-always-bored-and-hungry holiday by dressing it up with giant buffets filled with bread that isn’t actually bread and day trips that include zoo animals and kosher for Passover lunches with the Kardashians.

I’m sure that somewhere the internet is fighting about this, as the internet is apt to do, especially now that the rabbis decided that quinoa is kosher for Passover 2015. I personally don’t take any issue with how you want to spend your Passover. If you want to forego the whole foiling and boiling process of getting your kitchen ready for the holiday, awesome! If you want to stay at home and eat nothing but matzah and butter, excellent.

And I mean, sure I look with a tiny twinge of envy (but mostly I’m just plain old happy for you, Scouts honor) at all of your beautiful paradise-y Facebook pictures, but spending this holiday playing copious amounts of Settlers of Catan and Cities and Knights with my kids and my brother is kind of perfection. Sure, the kids piled into the car at 5am and spent 9+ hours with only one movie (Despicable Me 2) and one epic nosebleed.

Sure, there’s no beach and no bread that’s not actually bread and there are certainly no zoo animals, but there is a lovely porch swing where I have basically planted my behind for the week—no joke, I had conference calls here, worked on power point presentations here, watched storms roll in, worried about my dad’s health here, read books here, and took selfies with Emily here.


Sure, there are no midnight meat buffets, but we had two lovely too-late seders and there were so many good stories and laughs and inside jokes that will last a lifetime. No one in our family will ever forget when Isabella said Haman instead of Hashem and Ethiopians instead of Egyptians, which made for a much different Hagaddah story.


Sure, there were no Kardashians, but we took a lovely day trip to visit Thomas Jefferson at Monticello and even hit up the local Wal-Mart.



Sure, I’m not wearing a bikini, but I sure as heck am not wearing a jacket.


Also, we have eaten a lot of matzah pizza. 

It isn’t exciting or enviable or fancy or $11,000 a head. But I’d say it’s pretty perfect.



But I’d give just about anything for a sandwich.



  1. Awww, that’s it! Next year I am coming! No close airports, be damned!

    I swear, it’s only for matzah pizza. 🙂

    Comment by Kristabella on April 9, 2015
  2. Kristin – beware. Here there be Yetis!

    Comment by gav on April 9, 2015

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