it’s not every day that i get to hear the barfs in stereo. as i was watching Meredith hurl her guts out on the hospital floor, i got to listen to my nanny doing the same thing downstairs (if you don’t remember, i’m about 99% sure that she is bulimic).
can i just tell you how much i love Grey’s Anatomy? i love high meredith – how can we get her to stay? and i loved her scene with Addison (“You bellowed, Dr. Grey?). i loved that Addison told Derek not to hurt her again. i loved Callie and McSteamyรโรย – i did NOT see that coming. i love the 8 million, 7 hundred thouand dollars. damn. i loved the scene with Izzy and Denny’s father. i loved the surgery scene between Yang and Burke (in any other relationship she would have gotten all gushy…i love you for you, not because you’re a surgeon…but this is Cristina. and they didn’t forget that!). i love that McSteamy is a total Asshat. best line? “McSteamy. that’s what you’re calling me now?” “Yeah but i don’t think you’re supposed to know!”
~~Ozzy totally flipped the bird to the cameraman on purpose, and therefore, i heart him now.
~~Jeff continues to never disappoint: “Parvati is on the pole!” (even though he’s still calling her poverty…which is bugging to no end)
~~holy homoerotic reward challenge! and very, very sweaty.
~~rewards suck balls this season. spices? wtf? seriously! where are the feasts? where are the food auctions? i would even take a mountain dew and pringle reward right about now.
~~also? anyone who uses Yao Ming in a sentence while digging in a “million dollar sandbox” is aces in my book. lovin’ Jonathan.
~Cao Boi has ZERO social skills. but i did enjoy his philimination tactics: “If they don’t correct themselves, they will be eliminated.”
okay, just a little side note. my pants? are WAY too freakin’ tight today. must lose weight. or buy new pants. pronto.
and i stole a chair…again. i don’t know if any of you remember this…but my girl Haley-O and i stole an office chair for me way way way way back when she still worked with me. and now i had to do it again. because, seriously, my chair…was nasty. and now? it’s wonderful. so, yay.
check out my Fabulous website.
yes…here i am again…pimping my other blog. but, i really need your help. seriously. it’s important. so check it out. please.
also…there’s more!!
if you want to read more about it, visit Little Bald Doctors.
stealing content is just shitty. shitty shitty and more shitty. but forcing mamatulip to quit blogging?? that’s grounds for war. hate. hate.