October 10 07

7:08. Isabella comes out of bed. “no want to go to sleep. i awake! i so awake!”

7:09. scoop her up, tell her i love her, tuck her snuggly back into bed.

7:11. Isabella comes out of bed. “i’m awake now. I want to watch Dora Boots. No? Max and Ruby?”

7:12. scoop her up, tell her i love her, tuck her snuggly back into bed.

7:17. Isabella comes out of bed. “i need a drink.”

7:19. scoop her up, tell her i love her, tuck her snuggly back into bed. with added sippy cup.

7:26. Isabella comes out of bed. “I want my nother paci.”

7:27. scoop her up, tell her i love her, tuck her snuggly back into bed. with added pacifier.

7:33. Isabella comes out of bed. “I want more stories?! please! please! please!

7:34. scoop her up, tell her i love her, tuck her snuggly back into bed.

7:38. Isabella comes out of bed. “i don’t like the small one.” “small what?” “the small one!”

7:39. baffled, scoop her up, tell her i love her, tuck her snuggly back into bed.

7:44. Isabella comes out of bed. “I want the big one. i don’t like the small one. i don’t like the small one!”

7:45. baffled, once again, scoop her up, tell her i love her, tuck her snuggly back into bed.

7:50. anyone having fun yet???

  1. Oh, toddlers are funny. Mine insisted (her father reported) on having a tidy stack of books on her pillow, with her bedtime cup carefully balanced on top of it.

    Comment by Rebecca on October 10, 2007
  2. Aiyeee! I’m really thinking its the crib until university for us. This will drive me craaaaaaazy!

    Good luck!

    Comment by b*babbler on October 10, 2007
  3. My sympathies. Surely it will get better.

    Comment by Chris Cactus on October 10, 2007
  4. Oh, they are funny little creatures when it comes to bedtimes, aren’t they?!
    The bunny insisted on sleeping on the floor because her doll needed her beside her yesterday! They are so funny.
    My fingers are crossed for you in that Bella is better in going to bed tonight.

    Comment by Multi-tasking Mommy on October 10, 2007
  5. bigger cup?

    ~~yeah, i’m pretty sure that’s what she meant… -Ali

    Comment by JuJuBee on October 10, 2007
  6. Why did you keep giving her the small one?

    I’m afraid this will be the scene at my house in a few months.

    Comment by J. on October 10, 2007
  7. As if I wasn’t dreading the big girl bed transition already (which is ordered and arriving in the near joyous future). Ya. Joy.

    Comment by KC on October 10, 2007
  8. ugh. sucks so bad. with our second this went on for weeks. I actually had to start sitting outside his room for an hour or 2 every night for 3 weeks. He would open the door, peek out at me, laugh and climb back in bed. It was better than carrying him back upstairs 30 times. But then it was over, he finally started just going to sleep.
    It will get better, you are doing the right thing and it will eventually work. 🙂

    Comment by Kristen on October 11, 2007
  9. She’s got you wrapped Ali.:).. funny, I always said if I had a second child I wouldn’t let this happen .. but I think easier said than done! Bless her sweet little soul…

    hmm… maybe she is getting her small/big mixed up and she is telling you she doesn’t like her big bed, she wants to go back to her crib?

    Comment by Sarah on October 11, 2007
  10. my little guy is doing what isabella does – at 7pm. and then he’s started this new thing where he wakes up at 1:30am and wont go back to sleep until about 4am…help!!

    i’m serious…any pointers for me? anyone??

    Comment by Tova on October 11, 2007
  11. This is what I have to look forward to??!! I’m exhausted just reading.

    Comment by Jennifer on October 11, 2007
  12. This is exactly what is happening at my house lately with Rylie. I’d give anything for the days when she just sat on the edge of her bed (mind you, with a step stool right there to climb down) and call for me in the morning. No escaping 50 times at bedtime. Hoping it ends for the both of us soon! 😉

    Comment by Sara on October 11, 2007
  13. Sounds like every night at our house!!

    Comment by Wendy on October 11, 2007
  14. soooooooooooooofamiliar!!!!!!

    Comment by haley-o on October 11, 2007
  15. Hahaha! Oh dear, the trouble we’ll be in when Tim gets his big boy bed…

    Comment by Nadine on October 12, 2007

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