Thank you Simon and Garfunkel. it is the sound of silence for the first time this evening.
my son usually goes to bed at 7. it’s our nightly routine. we change him, give him his sippy of milk (i know…we are horrible parents…but at least we got rid of the paci at 15 months…) grab his 2 blankets and haul him off to bed. no songs, no stories. he was sooo easy.
until last week hit.
this sweet, little innocent child:
has become:
I swear. i don’t know what happened to him. he’s decided that when we put him to bed, the first thing he is going to try is to be sweet, “Take me out. please.” and then when we say no, his next tactic is to scream. And on several occasions, he’s screamed until he’s puked (yes, you are all remembering now…”me puke in me bed”) and duh duh duh duh, surprisingly, each time he’s done this, my husband has been nowhere to be found! yes, the first time he did come back from Dave’s to give Josh a bath…
what the heck am i going to do? why, all of a sudden, does my son hate to sleep? it’s pulling at my heartstrings…listening to him wail away….please mommy, take me out of here. oy. it’s so sad.
and i am having a completely unproductive evening – it was supposed to be spent making Chanukah cookies and scrapbooking – i have done neither. given up on the cookies. i was supposed to start at 7:30 and seeing how now it’s after nine…it’s not happening. i will be picking up cookies from the bakery tomorrow (sorry Sharon and Zvi…:)) and i suppose i will go get some scrapbooking in right now.
now that he’s quiet.
please please please don’t let me be jinxing myself…