February 13 07

that’s bottle to all you laymen.

loves it.

and now i have to take it away. help.

with Emily and Josh it was so simple. mostly, i think, because they weren’t any more attached to the bottle as they were to the sippy. it was all the same to them. so, at 13 months, mommy swooped in and took the bottles away. they were none the wiser. and dr. friedman was pleased.

Isabella is different. she’s attached. she has a bottle before bed…and gets so nice and cuddly. she has a bottle when she wakes up. it’s comforting to her. she also will not, under any circumstances, don’t even try mommy, drink milk from a sippy cup. water? sure. watered down orange juice? of course. but if i dare give her milk in her sippy cup…she will have no part of it. “NO!”she’ll scream and toss the sippy across the floor.

so…how do i do it? how do i take away something that’s incredibly comforting to her…and get her to continue drinking milk once i do??

she’s going to be 18 months on thursday. i’m been in denial for the last 5 months. it’s time. help!


  1. First…your daughter is BEAUTIFUL!! Second…I found your blog through another one I read and LOVE it!! Third…my daughter is 13 months old. She’s been drinking watered down juice from a sippy since she was 5 months old. When she turned a year and it was time for the milk, she REFUSED to drink it. From a sippy, from a bottle. She’d take one drink and throw the cup at the dog and give me this “look”. So, I flavored it with a little strawberry Nestle Quick. For 6 ounces of milk, I use 3 or 4 of the Gerber baby spoons (does that make sense??). It took about a week of this and FINALLY–she drinks it all with her breakfast. I actually have to ask her for the cup so she’ll eat and not just drink.

    Sorry this is so long. Hope this helps. If not…sorry for wasting your time 🙂

    Comment by Kellie on February 13, 2007
  2. Put some chocolate into her sippy cup milk for the next couple of days. As she starts using her sippy cup more, gradually cut back on the chocolate.

    Comment by Rebecca on February 13, 2007
  3. hi ali,bella is so adorable.all of mine have been so different.is the milk warmed up a bit?if so you could try warming it up.or like the other moms said flavouring it.or you could just let her have it a bit longer.she’s still little.or let her pick out a new special cup.i’m trying to wean my baby off of bedtime chi-chi.i bought her a playtex cup with a straw and she thinks its a baba(bottle)so hopefully it will work.well hope something helps you.

    Comment by LAVENDULA on February 13, 2007
  4. I’d stick with a morning and evening bottle of milk for now, so she’s getting some milk, and do sippys the rest of the day- be in fortified OJ, etc. Unless you can make sure she’s getting tons of calcium from other sources if you go cold turkey on the bottle and she doesnt drink any more milk. But I also like the flavoring idea too.

    Comment by obabe on February 13, 2007
  5. I had to wait until my husband was out of town to take away Haley’s bottle. Hubby would have given in at the first whimper. I still remember her little 18 month old self, body splayed out against the refrigerator door, moaning, “Ba Ba!!!” It was pitiful. But I am strong…and that is so nothing compared to what she moans now that she is 13.

    It took about three days until she was done mourning the passing of “Ba Ba”.

    Comment by Di on February 13, 2007
  6. Oh…here’s another idea…a friend of mine had her son still on the bottle at three. They went on a camping trip and her son was fascinated by a picture of a bear cub drinking from a bottle. So the next morning when he woke up, my friend said, “Oh no…the bear cub took your bottle!”

    Comment by Di on February 13, 2007
  7. Ummm….my son is 2 1/2 and I didn’t take his bottle away until a week ago. It was MISERABLE. I’m no expert, hense the delayed bottle weaning. I wish I had good advice! I could have used it a year ago, too! Good luck 🙂

    Comment by dana on February 13, 2007
  8. I had to wean my ds at 18 month because he was going to daycare and they can’t do bottles for 8 toddlers .. but I still gave it to him at night for awhile. So a compromise would be sippy cups during the day and bottle only at night. I had my son on the Avent bottles and they had a converter with a sippy cup lid .. so it felt like the same bottle and the sippy cup part was kindof still soothing .. soft I guess. I guess her main thing is that it is soothing. Or you can do what my dh did with his oldest .. he cut the nipple off the top of the bottle when his son would ask for it .. that pretty ended the bottle being a soother. He’s 15 now, and no worse the wear lol.
    Good luck! I think it is harder on mom than on baby though ..

    Comment by Sarah on February 13, 2007
  9. We, too, did the Nestle’s Quik in the sippy cup to get them off the bottle. Of course, now my kids are addicted to strawberry (daughter) and chocolate (son) milk. But hey – they are drinking milk so I can’t complain! Now we’re slowing getting our almost 4-y-o daughter to drink out of normal cups as opposed to the enclosed cups (she uses “sippys” that actually have straws).

    Comment by Jaynee on February 13, 2007
  10. I’m almost glad Mia never took to the bottle. We didn’t have to go through that. Good luck!

    Comment by Chris on February 13, 2007
  11. Gosh, I don’t have any helpful tips on this one. My son pretty much went from boob to sippy cup. He just never liked bottles much. As far as my daughter..she was never hooked to the bottle…her paci was her comforter. I just took it away cold turkey. I’m a good mom like that.

    Comment by Anna on February 13, 2007
  12. Ooh, Audrey went from boob to sippy cup too, so there was none of that romancing the synthetic nipple in my house – she HATED them. Lucky me. That meant pacifiers were a no go too. Wah!

    Good luck to you, my dear.

    Comment by Rebecca on February 13, 2007
  13. Miranda still has a bottle at night – I would suggest that you don’t go cold turkey and just take the morning one away first (offer her breakfast and a drink – maybe one of those Pop Top juice bottles). My daughter isn’t giving away her bottle anytime soon but I guess I will let her decide.

    Jeremy gave his bottle up at just under 2 when he had his tonsils out so he couldn’t suck properly. Toby gave his up when he turned 3, because he was a “big boy” (mind you by then they only had it night before bed + teeth brushing).

    What is the rush? I know I will be sad when my Princess finally “weans”. However, I do know what you mean about sippy cups, she will NOT drink milk from one.

    However, she will drink chocolate milk from one of those Pottery Barn Kids freezer cups with the flexi straw, maybe try that?

    Comment by Heidi on February 13, 2007
  14. My daughter went from boob to sippy but my son had a bottle and LOVED IT!! He didn’t give it up until 3 and it was easy. He was old enough to understand. There is no permanent damage to having it and she loves it so…why? Just askin’.

    Comment by Jen on February 13, 2007
  15. I feel SOOOOOOOOOOO sorry for you. Poor you, having to wean Bella off a bottle. Beter the bottle than breast-friggin-FEELING! Tell me how to wean the monkey off that, and then we’ll talk bottles. 😉 (I have no idea how to help you — except I’ve heard cold turkey is the way to go….although I wouldn’t do that — maybe get rid of the morning bottle first….? hard…I know)

    Comment by Haley-O on February 13, 2007
  16. We were lucky when our son transitioned from bottle to sippy cup. He hadn’t drank juice out of a cup much at all…so I think I just started by replacing a bottle with a sippy cup (for whatever meal that was). After a few days he was ok with it. I like the idea of flavoring the milk & possibly warming it up. I’m not sure if this would work or not? When we finally got rid of the passy, I cut the end of it off & told him was broke. Wonder if you somehow broke the bottle??? Get it – breaking them of the bottle??? I’m tired, sorry. Good Luck! Let us know how it goes.

    Comment by Fenicle on February 13, 2007
  17. My daughter was easy I just handed her a sippy cup, my son would throw the sippy on the floor and cry for his bottle so he wasn’t easy took forever to get that bottle away from him

    Comment by Anne on February 14, 2007
  18. I would let her keep it for a little bit longer. But that’s just me. Otherwise, I think you’re gonna have to do it cold turkey. She looks like she loves that thing.

    Comment by bella ~ Liz on February 14, 2007
  19. I successfully just took the bunny’s bottle away from her about, oh 3 weeks ago!!! I was SO scared, same problem as you! Attached to her lips!!! Would take sippy cup with anything BUT milk. Exact same situation.
    A few months ago, we decided to stop the before bedtime bottle. In the afternoon, after her nap, I informed her that would be her last bottle until morning. At night, she asked for it, cried for it and I just stayed strong. Admittedly, it was pretty easy for me to stay strong because we believed the bottle of milk before bed was the cause of her puking so much at night! But still. Then, I set myself a goal of 2 years and bottle would be gone. I was scared shitless, but I did it. How you ask? The timing was a complete fluke. One day, at lunch, I said to her as she was drinking water out of her sippy cup that one day we would have to say bye bye to her bottle because babies drink milk from a bottle and she was a big girl. She repeated back to me, “yes, mommy, I say bye bye to my bottles”. Even if she didn’t mean to do it then, I thought I would try and see what happened. I asked her if I could go get a bag and we would put them in and then say bye bye, she agreed..Ok, go with it! I told her that I was going to put them in the basement and we wouldn’t be able to bring them back up and that was that. She asked for her bottle for a good week or so at the usual times, but I stayed strong and just said, “Remember we said bye bye to your bottles, they are gone!”.
    So, no more bottles for her, BUT she won’t drink milk….that is my new challenge….getting a girl who adored her milk from a bottle to drink milk from ANYTHING!
    Good luck 🙂 It will happen, don’t worry.

    Comment by Amanda on February 14, 2007
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