November 10 06

This morning i get on the scale and do my little happy dance because i lost half a pound. yes, i realize it’s half a pound, and it’s not much to write home about, but i’ve been stuck on the same number for the past 3 weeks. 3 weeks?

it seems no matter what i do, i stay the same. i exercise. i watch every little bit of food that crosses my lips. i count calories. i avoid junk food. i weigh x.

i don’t exercise. i sit on my ass and watch tv and make blankets. i eat sushi. and chocolate. and cookies. and my sister in law’s chocolate pecan pie (it’s to die for, by the way). i eat about half of joshie’s birthday cake. i weigh x.

it doesn’t change. i’m at a “plateau”. one of my least-favorite weight-related words. another one i hate (well, it’s technically MORE than a word)? “oh, it’s your age.” you get close to thirty and your metabolism shuts down. um, yeah, okay. great. also…”you look great for having had three babies” like there’s a little disclaimer in there. you look okay…but because you’ve housed and birthed three children, we’ll throw you a bone and say you look great.

also? my dad said i was THE perfect candidate for a tummy tuck. let me tell you how good that made me feel.

so…minutes after i got off the scale, the husband got on. he’s lost…wait for it…9 pounds in the last 2 weeks. nine fucking pounds.

how does he do it, you ask? two words: South Beach. he’s really strict with himself (but he did indulge in the pie. and he had birthday cake, too. not as much as i did, but still). nine pounds. in two weeks.

i’m beginning to think this might be what i need. so, you’re hearing it here first. i’m going on the south beach diet, starting MONDAY, until Christmas.

i’m going to need your help. i’m a very picky eater and am going to have lots of trouble coming up with breakfast and lunch ideas for the first two weeks…which, in essence, is DETOX. you can’t eat anything!

forbidden foods include: most meats and poultries, carrots, corn, peas, all fruit, all starches, all sweets. so…what can you eat? acceptable foods include: nuts, low fat cheese, low fat meats, eggs, sugar substitutes, most vegetables.

wish me luck! i’m going to need it!


~okay, seriously, Jenny needs to she doesn’t talk at all and when she does she’s all “we’re going to pick ’em off like zits!” is she in 4th grade?

~Candice jumps ship so she can jump Adam’s bones. okay. i understand. way to wear your girlie-bits on your sleeve. but jonathan? methinks that was just a dumbass, panic-driven move.

~best exchange EVER on survivor: “Raro just wasted a canonball. They’re not paying attention!” “oh, please Jeff.” “Jonathan, getting frustrated by me!” bwah.

~so…who’s the biggest ass on Raro? Jonathan? Nate (um…you, my dear, are NO denzel)? Adam?

~Ozzy=Bobby Jon. and i love him for it.

~how does a 10 person jury work? what if there’s a tie? maybe it will come down to three, instead of 2? but that could result in a 3-way tie…or maybe someone will lose their right to vote in the jury? so many possibilities…

Grey’s Anatomy

~i totally heart the Addison/Callie friendship. i hope we see more of them. i hope they don’t spring an “addie had a miscarriage and that’s why her marriage deteriorated” storyline on us. that would be so unfair. or worse…i really hope she’s not pregnant. and if Callie can continue to keep her clothes on, she might become one of my favorites!

~ alex and george bitch slapping scene. had me in hysterics.

~i have so much love for the chief right now. manlove. brokeback mountain? (channeling his inner Michael Scott, perhaps?) he. and his rolling suitcase!

~”he’s scrappy!” i love love love the burke/george friendship. O’malley’s his guy. love!

~i still think Derek is a jackass…but he and Meredith are MFOE (that’s kindergarten for made for each other. duh.)

~Bailey is back!


    Comment by Giblet on November 10, 2006
  2. I totally recommend South Beach – it did WONDERS for Sean in a really short amount of time.
    And I did it with him awhile ago and seriously – the weight leaves the belly first. It will be what I turn to after this little bug is born.

    Missed Survivor and Grey’s due a meeting for Cuys therapy.
    I’ve been told I shouldn’t watch last nights Greys…sad baby storyline – should I? shouldn’t I?

    Comment by Christine on November 10, 2006
  3. My husband does South Beach from time to time. He usually announces that he’s on it as of today, just as I’ve unloaded $200 worth of carb-full groceries. He loses quick and then gains back.

    I lost 30 pounds which had crept on in the years since my last child (10) after whose birth I HAD gotten to pre-baby weight. But I lost them while going through a major depressive episode, so it’s hardly a method I would recommend. However, my combination of medications now seems to not cause me to gain weight.

    If you do South Beach, mozzarella cheese sticks are great (and my dog loves them too!) Also Laughing Cow spreadable cheese…I would spread it on turkey or ham and do a roll-up for lunch when I tried it. And when you hit the part where you can eat veggies, really indulge yourself…asparagus, roasted peppers, artichokes, eggplant…stuff your kids would probably hate. (Disclaimer, my husband is in the produce biz, so the more veggies you eat, the happier we are!)

    Comment by Di on November 10, 2006
  4. Re: Greys – I’m somewhat disappointed that Derrick showed up at the end; I was curious to see just how smarmy they were going with McSteamy.

    Re: Survivor – I said this before (at Cheaty’s Gossip) but when Sundra won the challenge and said it was the happiest she had ever been, I immediately thought, “young single immature girl”. Then we find out SHE HAS A SON! So, winning a muffin on Survivor is better than having a child? Am I the only one who saw this?

    Comment by Jeff on November 10, 2006
  5. Survivor: Mutiny was the biggest stick in the wheel since I can’t remember, and follow that by a weird first jury thing. Totally unpredictable. Agree, Jonathan panic. But that was what that was designed to do, create a chink in some armor by making players make a snap judgement. Jonathan may have a chance post merge, by going back to them and admitting how STUPID he was. Candace is dead to Aitu though. Numbers are against Aitu, but the games is always shifting.

    Comment by Jon on November 10, 2006
  6. I am NOT at a plateau – I am gaining lots and lots of weight, and it’s just horrifying. Yuck.
    So yay for half a pound!

    Comment by Rebecca on November 10, 2006
  7. My God, good luck with South Beach girl. I tried it and it just wasn’t for me. It works, it definitely works but WW has been the way for me to go.

    Damn men and their weight loss!!! My father is melting away because he can drop 7 lbs. in one week. His discipline is better than mine but I swear he can have 10 beers and a bag of chips and still lose 5 lbs. NO FAIR!!! It takes me at least 3 weeks to drop 5 lbs. lately and I am…that dreaded double digit…30. I hate that “it’s your age” crap.

    Is your dad okay? I’m assuming he got a punch after the tummy tuck comment. LOL

    Have a great weekend, good luck, and I will support you! 🙂

    Comment by Beth on November 10, 2006
  8. Ali, I’m never sure about fad diets, so just make sure your body gets what it needs. Be careful.

    As for Grey’s, I loved it. I was so glad Derrick saved her from sleeping with McSleezy. Bleh.

    Comment by fiveseven on November 10, 2006
  9. By husband swears by south beach. My sister in law too.

    But .. um … now that I’ve met you I feel qualified to say … NO you are not a perfect candidate for a tummy tuck. Tuck what?!? You are the hot skiny chick with great hair 🙂

    Comment by Sunshine Scribe on November 10, 2006
  10. The whole weight thing is frustrating – I have recently started losing a pile of weight, but I put that down mainly to exercise. It doesn’t seem to matter what passes by my mouth, if I don’t exercise, I don’t lose weight, very weird i.e. if I eat junk, I gain, if I eat well, I gain :(((( but if I exercise I lose. So no advice, here, as I KNOW you exercise (have that Mari Winsor pilates DVD now, thanks!!! Ouch, LOL…).

    Can’t do the fad diet thing either. WW seems to work though.

    Best of luck. AND FWIW, I think you look fantastic!

    Comment by Heidi on November 10, 2006
  11. Good luck with South Beach, Leesh! If you get to eat low fat cheese and nuts. You’re good. Try natural almond butter. It’s LIKE CHOCOLATE!!!

    Comment by haley-o on November 10, 2006
  12. Oh, Ali! I feel for you girlfriend.
    Good luck as you venture into this diet. I will be thinking of you….
    Can you have nut butters???

    Comment by Amanda on November 10, 2006
  13. Good luck with the South Beach. I need to lose weight too, but I’d be hating life on the detox weeks (and everyone would probably hate me too!).

    You are by far one of my new favorite blogs! Hello you have Survivor comments!

    Ok how in the world did the mutiny happen? I was over at a friend’s house getting my car fixed and I missed the first 10 mins of so (I tuned in right after Candace and Jonathan switched over). Oh the drama I tell you.

    Comment by Jaime on November 11, 2006
  14. Just keep in mind that men are lucky in the fact that they lose weight a lot faster than women. Lucky bastards. I’m not doing South Beach, I just revamped my whole eating pattern. Lot’s more fruits and veggies, salads, hearty breakfasts, NO CANDY, NO CHOCOLATE (mini bags of plain m&m’s are ok if you’re craving) and NO CAKE!!! LOL.
    You don’t have to South Beach, it’s soooo restrictive the first few weeks.

    Comment by bella ~ Liz on November 11, 2006
  15. Okay. Yes, yes, yes, to everything you said about GA. Love the scrappy, especially love the Addy/Callie friendship.

    Jonathan… Ugh.

    Good luck with South Beach. I’ve been counting Weight Watchers Points for a while. I stopped a few weeks ago but I’m going to have to crank it back up b/c staying home is not good for weight loss.

    Comment by Sadie on November 11, 2006
  16. OMG I’d be so frustrated! But then I AM overwieght and in serious need to do something about it. Even if you’ve hit a plateau, I think what you’ve already done is amazing. I HATE it when my hubby says he needs to loose a couple of pounds. He’s already so fit it makes me ill.

    Your comments on Survivor made me chuckle. I felt really bad for Jonathan when he made that extremely stupid move. I got over it. 😉

    Comment by Chaotic Mom on November 11, 2006
  17. I tried South Beach for 3 days and it made me sick sick sick. Plus, you’re so skinny already. If you lose any more weight you’re going to have to join the too skinny girls’ club (you know, the one whose members look freaky and emaciated – a la the Olsen twins).

    Comment by adina on November 11, 2006
  18. Ugh. Detox sucks. I just recently survived one myself. Just be strong and you can do it. The results are beautiful and satisfying.

    Good luck.

    Thanks for stopping by my place too…

    Comment by Janet a.k.a Wonder Mom on November 12, 2006
  19. Mr. transam just looks at his weight and gets buff. if he misses a meal he loses 5 pounds. That being said, girl i talked with you at length the other night and you are maybe a size nothing soaking wet….so what the?

    Comment by anne/crazymumma on November 12, 2006
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