Recently, a friend said, with what I think was not a hint of irony or sarcasm: You’re basically like an octopus.
It’s a compliment, right?
It’s totally a compliment — it means my eight tentacles and I are constantly able to do a lot of stuff.
{Want to peek inside my garden? In the shade? SEE WHAT I DID THERE?}
Photoshoots have been out of control lately — mitzvahs and school Chanukah parties and cake smashes and family shoots. I assumed that December was going to be quiet because I live in Canada and even though there are shouts of El Nino and I haven’t actually needed my winter jacket yet, it’s still Canada and people don’t want outdoor shoots where they look like Rudolph. But luckily, it hasn’t been quiet. Work has been so busy — we have a huge roll-out of new trucks and a new contract in the Region of Peel. I don’t expect this will mean much to you, but it means that I’m busy growing our social media numbers (are you following us on social media?) and making unhappy customers happy (I love this part of my job). There’s sponsored content in the works with great brands like UNICEF360 and Mathletics and Sears Holiday Wish Book.
And that was only the work stuff. But I’m sure you’re already tired of hearing about my busy.
Here’s the thing about being like an octopus—a day of nothing is such a gift. I’m such a go, go, go person. We are such a go, go, go family. When I’m watching television, I’m also doing four other things. Even now, I’m watching the Packers game, eating sushi, helping Emily study for her test, and writing this post.
This weekend, my husband and my son were whisked off to Milwaukee and Green Bay to spend the weekend with my brother and go to the Packers game at Lambeau Field. The girls and I were left to hold down the fort here at home—with no plans of any kind.
At 4:22pm on Friday night, we lit the Shabbat candles and the 6th night of Chanukah candles. We had an unfancy early dinner. And then I found myself with NOTHING TO DO.
I sat down with a coffee and a blanket and a book.
And I read an entire book. (The Children Act by Ian McEwan)(Which I quite liked)
And then I worked on a puzzle with Isabella.
And I slept.
And then I slept in.
And then I read another book. (Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell)(Which I quite loved)
And my body and my soul were like YES. YES. Yes, you need this. Every once in a while you need to just have nothing to do. You need to not have company. You need to not to commit to anything. You need to shut in and shut everything down.
Because last night got crazy again. Of course.
Emily had 14 friends over for an pyjama party. Isabella needs helps studying for a test. I had a photo shoot. I have three shoots to edit. We had my father-in-law’s string orchestra concert. We have a Packers game to watch. Showers, lunches, homework, posts to write, emails to return, laundry to fold and put away, hangers to replace (I’m switching out my big bulky white plastic hangers for those velvet covered ones and it’s completely life-changing even though apparently some people hate them. WHAT?), errands to run, fights to have with iTunes, work to do, social media numbers to grow….
You know, more Octopusing to do.