September 12 06

have i scared y’all away with my blahs?
it’s funny that you write certain posts and assume that no one will comment on them. like that day that you were blocked, gave up and wrote an entire post about socks, and you get the most comments you’ve ever gotten.
then there are the posts that you assume will generate the most comments…like the one i wrote yesterday, where i talked about being bummed, about being in the same theater as Jude Law (#1 on my list), and about a sack that you can hang your child from while you do your business in a public bathroom. and you get nothing. nothing.

i’m not fishing here.
it’s just interesting.


anyone hear the latest in federletus news?
it seems that it’s another boy for the Federlines, at least according to the national enquirer now, i have no idea if there’s any truth to this rumor, but i thought she was having a little Jailynn?


anyone watching Rockstar Supernova?
i’m a little bit on the obsessed side – since i’m watching the monday night, tuesday night, and wednesday night shows each week…

at first i was all about Dilana. she was a creepy and scary and mysterious chick. now she’s just an emotional wreck that destroys songs. they already had one of those on that show…ahem…can we say Zayra…and we all know what happened to her…

i’m hoping that my man Toby will take this thing home. I love him. he’s all accent-y and evs-y. and i can’t get that freakin’ oh-oh-oh-oh-oh-oh song out of my head. and that ass? mmmm. and that’s got to count for something.


anyone thinking that Prison Break is not nearly as good as it was last year???

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