Guess who pulled a Britney?? attacking paparazzi with umbrellas is sooo 2006.
the conversation goes a little something like this…
Katie: “Tommy, did you forget your lifts again??”
Tom: “Slouch woman!! slouch, use that bad posture we talked about to make me look taller”
Katie: “Oh, and have you seen my boobs anywhere??? because they seem to have gone missing”
granted, i don’t prance around outside in really trashy, too-small-for-me bikinis….but Britney Spears and I have the same body. (well…except i’m pretty sure i have nicer boobs – or at least mine are in the right place) this, folks, is NOT fat. if we are going to mock the Brit Brit, can we talk about her parenting skills or her going-to-the-bathroom-without-shoes-on nastiness or the weave (the weave!!!) or her new album…and leave her poor body out of it??
is anyone else disturbed by this picture of Kingston Rossdale?? (also…the name just sounds weird like that…) but are those TIGHTS that this little boy is wearing? and he’s looking…well…just a little, erm, homeless?
who watched:
30 Rock? Jack’s Family Therapy Time (better than werewold bar mitzvah) Dy-No-Mite! “Don’t ever make me talk to a woman that old again” NEVER go with a hippie to a second location. loves Carrie Fisher and the star wars shout-out.
ANTM? man, i’m starting to think that Jenah’s dried hay make-over hair is actually worse than Saleishas. Tyra’s nothing is more unattractive than a quitter rant on ebony was so unprofessional. the girl wanted to quit….because she and her stink-face weren’t made for modelling. get over it, Tyra. i loved the cards hitting the floor during the winning commercial. slam. slam. slam. mmm. Tyson Beckford.
The Office? amazing episode! “Dunder Mifflin: Limitless Paper in a Paperless World.” hahahaha! break me off a piece of that fancy feast! Darryl and the keyboard! oh, D! Philly Jim. couP. Angela hates being titilated. Kevin’s kool-aid face!
Survivor? the food challenge is always my favorite and with the 1,000 year old eggs and the certainly didn’t disappoint. i love when Jeff is all “it’s mind over matter” when he stands and watches the gagging and the horking. this season is all about the head-game. i think i might actually be starting to like it! um, why is Courtney still on the show? why would you search for the immunity idol in front of everyone?? Todd – you tool!!
Grey’s Anatomy? McDreamy = McDouchbag. Meredith is trying. she’s trying. she even had closure with her bag-o-mommy. the boy who trick or treats for ears was FANTASTIC. and when he called Mark “Daddy” i almost lost it. loved Cristina/Callie. the mark and meredith exchange at the end was amazing. he does have a heart! Alex and Ava. boo. totaly uninteresting to me. also..does anyone else feel like we’d care a little bit more about George and Izzy’s relationship if there was an OUNCE of chemistry there???!!
new post up on Fabulous. where we discuss smells. the good and the bizarre…