this morning, as i was racing out the door, late as usual, i took a slight detour and had me a big ole’ bite of Buzz Lightyear birthday cake (note to self: cake. must. be. destroyed.) I convinced myself that i NEEDED the cake. it was a long weekend and the little sugar energy boost was just what i needed to get me to work and stay awake. uh huh, sure.
seriously, though, this really was a busy weekend. the busiest i can remember in a long time. between having the husband’s whole family over (well…minus the ones who live out of town and his mother, who was in Israel). and heading down to Metro Mama’s to meet her and the other Toronto Mommy Bloggers. and making a birthday party for a bunch of 4-year-old rugrats. and getting an actual real-live babysitter (that we had to pick up, and teach how to use the tv and actually pay!) to head to Fry and Tova’s for paninis and ice cream. needless to say, i’m wiped.
When i got Julie’s evite, i didn’t reply right away. I had so many reservations about going. about putting myself out there. was i ready for people to get to know the real me? it is so much easier to hide behind an online persona. it is so much easier to be some faceless girl sitting at a screen and typing on a keyboard. it’s an entirely different story when you’re one-on-one and in the flesh. also…it wasn’t like i could hide behind my kids or anything.
but once i realized that husbands were invited as well, i threw caution to the wind and figured that very worse come to worse, i can force him not to leave my side for the night (which i did, and he so kindly obliged).
turns out, i worried for nothing. It was totally normal. I met so many of the Toronto mommy bloggers. it wasn’t uncomfortable. there were no awkward silences. i had a great time! i had such a good time that there were a few bloggers there that i didn’t even get a chance to meet! and, because i had to get up and make a birthday party in the morning, i both a) didn’t drink too much. which was a good thing because i tend to get way way loose in the lips when i’m drunk. and b) didn’t get to talk to Catherine enough. she came late, we left early. actually, come to think of it, i’m not sure i got to talk to anyone enough.
next time, ladies. next time. and next time i will actually use the camera that i brought (it was SOO incredibly un-Ali-like to NOT take photos.)
in the meantime, come check out Fabulous today for the dish on the giggles and jiggles party…or perhaps it was at jiggles and giggles…i can’t even remember…but it was good, good times.