December 24, 2018 – 10:46 am
In 1997, during my gap year in Israel before it was called a gap year, I planted a tree in Israel. We will circle back to this, I promise. When I decided to start seriously looking for a job a few months ago, I really hoped for two things…
December 23, 2018 – 12:14 pm
Recently, Isabella came home distraught. Her friend, it seemed, as eighth grade friends often do, exclaimed “OMG I’m so upset I’m going to die!” My sweet and sensitive soul of girl, though, still knee-deep in wading the waters of missing her cousin terribly, of feeling an India-shaped hole in her…
December 10, 2018 – 11:35 am
When the kids were wee and my husband would text me, “I’ve got a work trip,” {Did we even have text back then? Maybe it was a carrier pigeon he used to let me know he was leaving. Ali is old #492: I can’t even remember when texting became a thing.}…