this post will most definitely NOT be able to top Friday’s, so if you haven’t had a chance to read my lovely interview, i’m once again wallowing in the shameless self promotion and asking you to check it out over here on Fabulous. (fuck it, it’s my site and i like to wallow. it works for me)
anyway, back to the gifts and the secrets. because everyone likes gifts. and secrets. only this gift was mine, and mine alone.
8pm saturday night to 8am sunday morning. 100% completely uninterrupted sleep for TWELVE hours. (i stretch the truth a wee bit when i say uninterrupted…it was a little bit when the kids came into my room in the morning and i sent them down to eat snowman cookies…i know, mother of the year)
and now for the secret. it’s actually not my secret to tell, and i hope Orit doesn’t get angry with me for letting the general public in on this. because it’s GOLD, people.
guess what opens at 9am on saturday and sunday mornings?
yes. nine o’clock in the morning. so, you can guess where we were on sunday morning at 9am…
and guess how many people are there at that hour?
it’s bliss, i tell you. because we, as you may already know, are a family of early risers. some by choice (the crazy kids) and some…well, NOT by choice (that would be me. and the husband)
a place to go. a destination. before noon!
and i have two words for you…Elvis. Pinball.
ah, bliss.
(the kids were so angry with me because pinball gets you NO tickets…and i wasn’t able to add to their hundreds of tickets that were able to buy them nothing but dollar store shit. seriously, what a scam. it’s like 4,000 tickets to get a mini stuffed animal. imagine what the kids were able to get for their lousy 900…)
but it wasn’t about the tickets, really. it was about the HOURS of entertainment for my children. HOURS. of my children HAPPY. Emily was happy. for hours. this is a serious coup.
and now you know where i’ll be every sunday morning until the end of time.
(or until my kids fucking learn how to sleep in on weekends)