ever since i made this wee little promise….
(yes. i am. crazy.)
i’ve been in denial about Halloween. the costumes (the candy!) the trick or treating (the candy!) the pumpkins (the candy!) but it’s here. and i’ve got the shakes. no husband (he’s conveniently out of town), no candy, and three candy-hungry rugrats.
yes. the shakes.
so…to get my mind off things (the candy!) i thought i’d ask two wee halloween-y related questions.
a) Did you dress up this year? Any great costumes out there?
I thought about dressing up as the girl with the homer simpson vagina tattoo…but seeing as how my office is kind of a more PG-rated place, i opted for…drumroll please…Ali circa 2006. I swear, you would take one look at me and say, “Ali, that outfit is so last year” Eureka! it’s quite the costume, i tell you.
i actually decided that it would be GREAT fun to actually have a reason to dress up. how come i don’t have any friends who have costume parties??!! hmmm…i think it’s a fantastic idea…note to self…”self…get your ass invited to a halloween party next year. then you won’t have to dress up like yourself from last year.”
b) What’s your favorite scary movie?
now, as a lover of all things horror movie, i find this answer incredibly hard to answer. there are so many good ones. so many that gave me nightmares as a kid. so many that gave me nightmares as an adult.
i’d have to say for me it comes down to the creepy kid. you give me a creepy kid, i’m bound to get spooked. although, i’d have to give The Omen a big ole creepy kid thumbs down…because, what. the. hell. horror movies are not supposed to be funny and that freakin’ Damien kid was NOT scary.
The Shining. Danny Torrence. creepy kid. scared the shit out of me.
The Ring. Samara. creepy kid. scared the shit out of me.
the Exorcist. Reagan MacNeil. creepy teen. scared the shit out of me.
Pet Sematary. Gage Creed. creepy kid. scared the shit out of me.
see a pattern here???
and now that i’m totally creeped out, i’m not thinking about the candy
(the candy)
no, sir, not me. not thinking about it at all….
some classic Emily-isms up on Fabulous. She’s such a wiener.