October 31 07

ever since i made this wee little promise….

The No Candy Promise 2007

(yes. i am. crazy.)

i’ve been in denial about Halloween. the costumes (the candy!) the trick or treating (the candy!) the pumpkins (the candy!) but it’s here. and i’ve got the shakes. no husband (he’s conveniently out of town), no candy, and three candy-hungry rugrats.

yes. the shakes.

so…to get my mind off things (the candy!) i thought i’d ask two wee halloween-y related questions.

a) Did you dress up this year? Any great costumes out there?

I thought about dressing up as the girl with the homer simpson vagina tattoo…but seeing as how my office is kind of a more PG-rated place, i opted for…drumroll please…Ali circa 2006. I swear, you would take one look at me and say, “Ali, that outfit is so last year” Eureka! it’s quite the costume, i tell you.

i actually decided that it would be GREAT fun to actually have a reason to dress up. how come i don’t have any friends who have costume parties??!! hmmm…i think it’s a fantastic idea…note to self…”self…get your ass invited to a halloween party next year. then you won’t have to dress up like yourself from last year.”

b) What’s your favorite scary movie?

now, as a lover of all things horror movie, i find this answer incredibly hard to answer. there are so many good ones. so many that gave me nightmares as a kid. so many that gave me nightmares as an adult.

i’d have to say for me it comes down to the creepy kid. you give me a creepy kid, i’m bound to get spooked. although, i’d have to give The Omen a big ole creepy kid thumbs down…because, what. the. hell. horror movies are not supposed to be funny and that freakin’ Damien kid was NOT scary.

The Shining. Danny Torrence. creepy kid. scared the shit out of me.

The Ring. Samara. creepy kid. scared the shit out of me.

the Exorcist. Reagan MacNeil. creepy teen. scared the shit out of me.

Pet Sematary. Gage Creed. creepy kid. scared the shit out of me.

see a pattern here???

and now that i’m totally creeped out, i’m not thinking about the candy

(the candy)

no, sir, not me. not thinking about it at all….

some classic Emily-isms up on Fabulous. She’s such a wiener.

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  1. I’m working tonight and my roomate refuses to answer the door when she’s home alone, especially on halloween! so we didn’t actually get any candy. which is really a good thing, i guess.

    i dressed up as a fairly to go to a halloween party. mostly i just saw the wings and liked them so i rolled with that. haha.
    & i really like the scream movies. although they’re not scary. freddy was my scared the crap out of me guy when i was a kid. creepy kid movies make me not want to have kids when i watch them / for a few days after. and the saw movies kind of freak me out. well, the first one. now that they’re making six it’s just overkill.

    Comment by Shannon on October 31, 2007
  2. I didn’t dress up this year…and my favorite scary movie is Showgirls.

    Comment by Stacy on October 31, 2007
  3. I just saw The Omen last weekend for the first time. The Gregory Peck version that is, still haven’t seen the new one. Don’t think I’ll bother.

    Maybe it’s just me but I have a hard time seeing the Pet Sematary kid as anything but the little twirp on Full House. Wow, now that I think about it, that IS terrifying.

    Comment by AJ on October 31, 2007
  4. Okay, we called our posts NEARLY THE SAME THING.
    That Homer Simpson vagina was my Halloween scare for THIS year. Oh THANK YOU so much.

    Comment by Rebecca on October 31, 2007
  5. Where on earth did you find that pic of the tatoo? That is too hilarious!
    Yeah, I’m so glad I didn’t make that no candy promise because I would have failed miserably…props to you though 😉 You go girl! I’m really proud of you.

    Comment by Multi-tasking Mommy on October 31, 2007
  6. I dressed up as my supervisor for the Halloween Party hosted by someone from my work.

    And I hate scary movies. Because they are scary. So I’ve never seen any. Well, I was coerced into watching The Grudge… bad idea. And I’ve seen Vacancy. I got to the opening credits of The Ring but couldn’t do it. Yup… I don’t do scary movies.

    Comment by Sarah on October 31, 2007
  7. I knew it! I knew it I knew it I knew it!

    That Homer Simpson tattoo is a fraud. I have been sent the same crotch with a monkey tattoo on it – same exact photo with a different tattoo – and I had questioned its authenticity. Thank you so much for proving me right!!! (Although it is friggin’ hilarious and disturbing all at once)

    My hubby and I went to a Halloween party this last weekend as VMA Britney (him) and K-Fed (me). I have a picture, but I look extremely chunky from the position and lighting – not very flattering at all, even for K-Fed!

    Comment by loren on October 31, 2007
  8. That Homer Simpson tattoo made me throw up in my mouth a little. Can you imagine being the poor fucker who has to…stick his…you know what where?!

    Yeah, I’m dressing up. I’ve got snot snail trails on one shoulder, mac and cheese noodles stuck to my sock and a basket of laundry in my arms. I’m a mother!

    All of the movies you listed off scared the crap out of me as well. The Shining seriously traumatized me…those little hacked-up British girls still freak me out.

    Comment by mamatulip on October 31, 2007
  9. i luv the idea of dressing up…but i’m such a bore when it comes to actually dressing up! hmm, that’ll be my new year’s resolution – get invited to a dress up party – and then DRESS UP! 🙂

    Comment by Tova on October 31, 2007
  10. if you saw the pic up, you know that i dressed as strawberry shortcake and jitta dressed as rainbow brite. we were reliving our 80’s cartoon childhoods. 🙂

    fav scary movie is definitely the ring. SO freaky. when i used to have long black hair, i could put it over my face and freak people out. then i did it once in the bathroom and looked at myself in the mirror and terrified myself. *shudders*

    Comment by lara on October 31, 2007
  11. I’d love to see that 2006 style outfit. Here in Texas, it’s probably still in style!

    That Gage in Pet Sematary was creepy, but SOOOO adorable when he was alive!

    Comment by beth on October 31, 2007
  12. That “fagina” — hilarious! I do hope your fil didn’t click over to that……. 😉 Love the picture of Emily — classic!

    Comment by haley-o on November 1, 2007
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